Sunday, August 23, 2009


This is dedicated to all the "moms" sending their babies to school......whether it be Kindergarten, middle school, high school or college.

Today is the last official day of summer. Tomorrow AM, the school buses will be out & about early. Everyone will have butterflies......students & teachers alike!

Kindergarten moms will have tears. There may even be a few tears from the Kindergarten students. Moms of HS seniors will have a tear in their eye as they know this is likely the last day they will get to witness their "baby" leaving for high school. Moms of college students will be a bit anxious all day until they hear from their kids to hear how the first day of classes went. I know I'll be waiting for my phone to ring!!

Excitement is in the air. Hope it's a good day for all the students, teachers, staff that live at your house!