Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's deer season...

Last week-end was opening week-end of deer season. That was always a special time for my dad & me. We have so looked forward to at least one deer hunting week-end a year. Sometimes it was a group...family/friends/co-workers...sometimes it was just us...but it almost always happened. I have come to decide that the anticipation & planning of the hunt is almost as much fun as the actual week-end. Phone calls were made that wouldn't have been made otherwise...planning who would bring what...when we would travel...who we would invite, etc. This time of year is when I miss my daddy more than ever.

The next best thing to being with my daddy is being with my Uncle Bill. I love him so much & savor the times we get to spend together. My dad & his baby brother were so close. They had a true "mutual admiration society".

I am thankful to my husband for happily (maybe even eagerly...HA!) letting me be gone for the wk-end. I am thankful to my Aunt Donna for allowing Uncle Bill to be gone. And I'm thankful to Uncle Bill for making it happen.

We saw some deer, but there wasn't even a rifle fired. However, there were good memories made...and in the end, that's what matters most.