Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dentist trip...

Earlier this week, I had a dentist appointment. As I was about to go back, I saw one of my sweet Kindergarten friends finishing up her appointment. I told her I wanted her to assist Dr. Mike in my procedure. While he was with another patient, we got her all gloved & masked up. She was ready & waiting when he arrived.

Who wouldn't want this sweet girl assisting your dentist?

Yet another benefit of working with elementary school friends! Who knows...maybe someday my dentist will be Dr. Vaughn. Right?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's a BEAUTIFUL morning!

This is the view as I walked out my back door to head to school this AM. I am reminded DAILY of what an awesome God we have....when I just slow down long enough to notice. Dear Lord, help me take time every day to stop & smell the flowers!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fall trip to the Northeast...

Last week I had the opportunity to join seven great ladies for a week of fun!

We all met at DFW on Friday. We flew into Boston, picked up a Suburban, FILLED it up with suitcases & hit the road headed north. Our first stop was Rockport, Massachusetts. It's a town our family has grown to love over the last 14 years.

We began our stay with clam chowder at the Lobster Pool and s
tayed at the Pleasant Street Inn.

The next morning, we headed north. The drive up Hwy 1A is beautiful. It run
s right along the coast up through Massachusetts, New Hampshire & into Maine.

We rented a house near Boothbay Harbor, Maine. There were several day trips from there. We travelled to Freeport, Maine (the home of the L.L. Bean headquarters), Bar Harbor, Acadia National Park & Kennebunkport.

The week was filled with "oohs & aaahs" over the beautiful fall foliage, lots of laughter and an abundance of good food!

The crowd consisted of 3 sisters, 2 cousins, 2 daughters & a friend. What a good time we had! Memories that will last a lifetime. Right, Pat, Mariana, Montie, Bobbye, Fran, Becky & Jane??

Below you'll see a few of my favorite pictures of the amazing colors God created for us to enjoy.